Gas Versus Electric Water Heaters – Things To Take Into Consideration

Tankless water heaters are designed to provide the homeowner with a cost-effective solution to their hot water problems. These devices tend to excel and exceed the performance of each and every one of the traditional, storage models. However, a debate continues regarding the effectiveness of both types.


Both are capable of serving the same purpose and both can provide a homeowner with enough hot water to supply an entire household. Is one truly better than the other? How do you know which model will emerge victorious in the electric vs gas tankless water heater debate?

The truth of the matter is that there is no uniform answer. When breaking down the gas vs electric tankless water heater debate, some will end up siding with gas, while others will align themselves with electric. So, you’ll truly need to come to a definite conclusion on your own. Below, you’ll discover tips and tricks for determining whether you should select a gas or electric tankless water heater.

The Cost Factor


One of the biggest differentials, which will play a major role in the outcome of the tankless water heater gas vs electric debate is the cost factor. However, before exploring the cost variation between the two, it is essential to remember that both will save the consumer money over a period of time. Both models typically surpass the cost of traditional models, yet they’re much more cost effective, thanks to their enhanced energy efficiency. Therefore, both models will actually save you money in the long run.However, when compared gas vs electric tankless hot water heater varieties, you’ll quickly discover the gas models tend to be a bit costlier than their electric counterparts. A gas model could potentially double the price of an electric model. Just remember that adding additional features to either type will enhance the cost to some degree. So, if you’re looking for cost effectiveness only, you’ll be better off sticking with a simplistic unit and ignoring electronic ignition systems and other advanced components.

Difficulty Of Installation

Another thing to consider is the difficulty of installation. First and foremost, you should understand that performing the installation on your own will most likely void the warranty. However, some homeowners will still follow through with this procedure anyway, since it’ll give them the ability to save money upfront and avoid a lengthy visit from an installation technician. If you’re interested in carrying out the installation on your own, you’re going to want to stick with an electric tankless water heater. These models are much less complicated, so the installation will be rapid.
The gas tankless water heater is undeniably more difficult to install, due to the requirement of gas. If your home doesn’t have a gas supply, upgrading might not even be worth the hassle. And, gas water heaters must be installed precisely or they’ll transform into a potential hazard! So, if you’re basing your decision on ease of installation alone, you’ll definitely want to opt for an electric model.

Cost Of Operation

The cost of operating a gas water heater tends to be a little lower than the alternative arrangement. Of course, it is essential to remember that an assortment of factors can play a role in the overall cost of natural gas and propane. The economy and the markets could drive the price of natural gas higher at any point in time. Your residential location can also prove to be impactful on the overall price. Therefore, gas models might be minutely cheaper at the moment, but their price may surpass electric models before you know it.

Cost Of Operation

The cost of operating a gas water heater tends to be a little lower than the alternative arrangement. Of course, it is essential to remember that an assortment of factors can play a role in the overall cost of natural gas and propane. The economy and the markets could drive the price of natural gas higher at any point in time. Your residential location can also prove to be impactful on the overall price. Therefore, gas models might be minutely cheaper at the moment, but their price may surpass electric models before you know it.

Your Water Needs


How much water is needed to accommodate your entire household? This is yet another question you’ll need to answer, when attempting to select the right model for your family. The mass majority of electric tankless water heaters are capable of providing at least eight gallons of water per minute. Not all will meet this specification, but most will and a few may even surpass it. However, most gas models can easily exceed this limitation.
If your household will likely utilize more than eight gallons of water, you’ll want to settle for a gas alternative. This will keep each member of your family happy and will help prevent your house from transforming into a battle zone.

Required Maintenance

Many homeowners do not have a lot of free time on their hands. This can be unfortunate and may hinder your ability to perform maintenance tasks around your home. The good news is that electric and gas tankless water heaters require very little maintenance. The electric varieties tend to require very little to no maintenance requirements at all. Gas water heaters are slightly different. Although the requirements are still minute, these models will need to be inspected by a licensed technician each and every year, in order to maintain their performance and safeness.
This can increase the operational costs of gas models to some degree and may offset the current differential.

Energy Source Availability

As mentioned above, some homeowners will not have a gas supply to their homes. If you have no pre-existing gas setup, getting one installed in your home can be costly, complex and time consuming. In fact, this will prevent many homeowners from benefitting from a gas water heater. Of course, this is not limited to gas models. Electric models can also be out of question for some consumers. Most electric water heater will come with some degree of amperage requirement. Some will also require specific breaker box setups.
If you do not have the necessary amperage or poles, you’ll need to upgrade your breaker box or downgrade your water heater. Make sure you have everything necessary before making your final decision or you may end up in a dilemma and forced to send your water heater back for an alternative.

Personal Preferences

When it comes down to it, some homeowners are simply not comfortable utilizing natural gas or propane within their homes. Others may actually prefer this form of power. At the same time, your concern for the environment may play a vital role in your decision and could push you towards one model or the other. Gas water heaters can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and usually have an energy factor rating of 85% or less. These are all important things to take into account, when trying to make the right choice for your family.

Energy Factor

When scouring through the market and analyzing each specific model, you will find an assortment of different specifications. Although each and every one of these will be vital, some will be more important than others. One of the most impactful will undoubtedly be the energy factor. This is true no matter what type of appliance you’re purchasing. What precisely is the energy factor? Well, it is a metric, which is primarily used in the United States to describe an appliance’s energy conversion efficiency.
This information is defined by the United States Department of Energy, so utilizing it to your advantage is wise. The good news is that tankless models are substantially better in this category than the tank or storage water heaters. Be sure to carefully inspect this figure, before making your choice.

NOx Emissions

Another thing to remember is that gas hot water heaters will actually put off NOx gases. These are the same types of gasses, which are released from most modern automobiles. In larger cities, the accumulation of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere can become immense, due to the level of motor vehicular traffic. Gas hot water heaters will also emit a small quantity of NO and NO2. This will give many homeowners grave concern and will steer them in the direction of electric models.
The good news is that most manufacturers have taken this concern into consideration and have begun making rectifications. Just be sure to look for a gas model, which specifically states that it puts off low NOx emissions. This will give you the ability to benefit from the gas water heater, without harming your family or the environment.

Venting Needs


Since gas water heaters do put off a small amount of NOx, they need to be properly vented, in order to prevent the gas from entering your home. This can make the installation process a little more complicated than that of electric models. Most electric water heaters will not be able to parallel the power and performance of the gas alternatives, but they’re also safer and easier to install. Suffice to say, venting is normally not a necessity with electric models. If this is a concern and you do not wish to cut a hole in your wall or ceiling, you’ll want to stick with the tankless electric water heater.


At the end of the day, electric and gas tankless water heaters are equally great and will definitely satisfy more than the older storage models. Unfortunately, trying to find the right model for your individualistic needs and preferences can be more complicated than you might initially imagine.
Just remember to consider the ease of installation, maintenance, cost, and venting requirements. This combination will give you a better ideal of which one is best for your situation.