About Us

Hello everyone and welcome to our website.

My name is Mike (on the left), in the middle is our pops and my brother Jake is on the right…and we are “The Plumber Bros.”

As you might guess, plumbing runs in the family. Our pops been plumber for decades, so it was pretty obvious to become a plumber, well Jake did the same, hence we are called “The Plumber Bros.”

You might be wondering how an earth these plumbers Bros. have a website, right? Well, to be honest we were all pretty skeptical about the whole website thing a while back, but this is the 21st century.So this website was the idea of my best friends (Larry and Rick) they have been the brain for the website and we plumbers have been the brain for the plumbing things.

I think I said the plumbing runs in the family, so here is a pretty nice picture of my twins, what do you think?

As you can see my twins are in the plumbing business as well, LOL. Who knows, but I do wish they will be better off, plumbing is not dancing on the roses all time.

As you can see my twins are in the plumbing business as well, LOL. Who knows, but I do wish they will be better off, plumbing is not dancing on the roses all time.

OK, so, that’s enough of us, I truly hope this site will be Your one-stop shop for everything related to plumbing or at least Tankless water heaters to start with and who knows if everything goes well, we will expand the website to include more plumbing related categories. We’ll see how it goes and it all depends on you guys, I really hope we can help You and that You find the website beneficial.

If you have any questions, you can use the contact us form, we try to answer them all, but please bear with us if we take time to answer.

I thank you very much for visiting our website and we look forward to your feedback.

Mike& the Family (The Plumber Bros.)