Exploring The Most Common Hot Water Heater Problems
And Possible Rectifications

rusted water heater

As the old saying goes, most people are unaware of what they have, until it has disappeared. This is especially true, when it comes to your home’s hot water heater. Most days, you probably jump into the shower, switch on the hot water and enjoy yourself, without being grateful for your fully functional water heater. When you begin experiencing gas or electric water heater problems, you’ll feel like a fish out of water and will want to fix the problem as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there is an abundance water heater issues, which can plague consumers.
In order to find a suitable rectification, you’ll first need to diagnose the problem, before trying to troubleshoot hot water heater problem. Within this guide, you’ll learn about the most common water heater problems and potential fixes.

Safety Tips

Before troubleshooting electric hot water heater, you should take a few minutes to protect yourself from potential hazards. Since the water heater uses a combination of water and oftentimes electricity, it can be deadly, if you do not treat it with respect.
So, before you begin trying to sort through the various gas hot water heater problems, you’ll want to make sure the unit’s water and power are shut off completely. This won’t take more than a few minutes, but it’ll help to protect you from the potential of electrocution.

Safety Tips

Before troubleshooting electric hot water heater, you should take a few minutes to protect yourself from potential hazards. Since the water heater uses a combination of water and oftentimes electricity, it can be deadly, if you do not treat it with respect.
So, before you begin trying to sort through the various gas hot water heater problems, you’ll want to make sure the unit’s water and power are shut off completely. This won’t take more than a few minutes, but it’ll help to protect you from the potential of electrocution.

Too Hot water


Some individuals will suffer from a hot water heater not heating water and this is far more complex. However, others will find that their home’s water is simply too hot and this can be dangerous for them and their family members. If the water is too hot, you could actually suffer from severe burns! The good news is that fixing this problem is normally very simple and some newer models actually have safety measures in place to prevent the water from becoming excessively hot.

Most of the time, you’ll be able to fix the problem by adjusting the water heater’s temperature level. The knob can usually be found on the exterior of the unit and a simple turn will give you the peace of mind that the water is a bit cooler and much safer.

Water Discoloration And Hideous Smells

rusted nail

If you’re experiencing a tankless water heater no hot water, you’ll have a big problem on your hands. However, if the water has become discolored or begins smelling terribly, the problem might be even more detrimental. Once you’ve noticed the terrible smell, you’ll want to identify the source as quickly as possible. It might be your water heater, but it could also be the water source. If the problem is present with hot and cold water, you can almost guarantee that the problem originates at the source.
If the smell is only around when you switch on the hot water, the problem is likely the water heater. One common problem, which can result in this smell, if a reaction between the unit’s anode rode and the water. This can result in the water containing a substantial amount of sulfates, which cause the adverse smell. This problem can be fixed easily, by flushing the tank. If the problem persists after the flush, you may need to have the anode rod replaced.
If the smell is similar to garlic, you may have a problem with the unit’s pilot light. Sadly, you’ll likely need to contact a technician, in order to have this component replaced.

Water Discoloration And Hideous Smells

If you’re suffering from no hot water electric water heater, which is making loud sounds, you’ll want to diagnose the problem immediately. Does it sound like a loud pop or band? If so, this could be water sediment getting hot and exploding within the tank! Don’t worry. This sounds worse than it actually is. Depending on the severity of the problem, you may be able to fix it quickly by flushing out the system. If the sediment chunks are small enough, they’ll be removed immediately. If they’re not, it might be time to replace the tank or the water heater entirely.
Also, those that have an electric water heater will want to check the heating elements. If scale has built up on these components, the water heater could begin popping and banging. Again, you’ll need to replace the water heater, in order to fix the problem and keep your family safe and sound.

Water Discoloration And Hideous Smells

If you’ve noticed that your water heater has begun using an excessive amount of energy and your bill has climbed higher, you’ll want to take action right away. Although there are numerous factors, which can increase the unit’s energy consumption, some are very simple and can be fixed easily. For instance, you’ll first want to try insulating the water pipes.
This will help the pipes maintain their temperature and will put less stress on the water heater. Foam pipe insulation is relatively inexpensive and slipping it over your pipes won’t take more than a few minutes.
If the bill doesn’t decrease in the least, you’ll want to consider making the upgrade to a more efficient model. Be sure to inspect a water heater’s energy factor and energy efficiency specifications, before making the purchase.

Water Is Too Cold

Some water heater problems can be rectified easily and they won’t cost you anything, but time. This is definitely true, if your water heater isn’t heating the water to a sufficient temperature. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to fix this problem by checking the unit’s thermostat. If you find that the current temperature setting is too low, you should turn it up a notch or two and try again. Be very careful when making changes, because excessively hot temperatures can burn the skin!
Unfortunately, such a problem will not always be so easy to fix. Sometimes, it might originate from an internal component and you might need to contact a professional technician in order to restore the unit’s performance to the optimum level.

Water Heater No Hot Water?

More times than not, a water heater no hot water is a sure sign of a malfunctioning city water problem. For instance, if there is a mainline water leak several miles from your home, the local water company will disconnect the water coming into your home. This means that you will not have access to water until the repairs are completed.

Hot water heater issues are a pain, but if you familiar yourself the water heater design and troubleshooting electric water heater tips, you will be prepared for anything. There is also a possibility that a decrease in water flow can be linked to a clogged pipe. In this case, it will be solely your responsibility to find the clogged pipe and replace it. This will be a tedious job, if not impossible and may require the assistance of a professional plumber to remedy.

What Causes Water Heater Not Heating Water?

One of the most common issues that homeowners will face with a water heater is a damaged thermostat. You can easily find a replacement part at any home improvement store, but this will only be the case, if the water heater is only a few years old. Replacing the thermostat is not a difficult task, since the component is located on the front panel. If your water heater is several years old, you will probably have to order the replacement part from a distributor.

If this is an electric unit, the problem may be linked to a malfunctioning heating element. This component can be replaced, but will require a bit more work than the thermostat replacement. Just make sure that you take the part number to the store with you, so that you get the proper replacement.

What Causes No Hot Water Gas Water Heater?

If you own a gas water heater and all of a sudden, you notice that there is only cold water coming out of the tap, the problem may be linked to a blown out pilot light. The first thing that you should do is sniff around for a natural gas odor, because if the pilot light is not burning, the gas fumes will fill the atmosphere.

Do not attempt to light the pilot, because there is a reason why the pilot light blew out. It is not unusual for a sudden gush of air to be the main culprit, but if the cover is in place this problem should not occur. Always make sure that the cover in in place at all times for your sanity and your family’s safety.

Another component that may play a role in this issue is the gas valve. This component is very durable, but it like anything else can malfunction at any time. Unless you are skilled in gas water heater repairs, you will need to hire a licensed plumber to tackle this problem. Natural gas and liquid propane are combustible chemicals and just one little spark can cause a major catastrophe, so do not risk your family’s safety. Instead, suck it up and pay the labor fees, it will be worth it in the long run.

Electrical Problems

Most gas water heaters require an electrical source to ignite the burner. When you first discover the problem, you should immediately make sure that the electric cable is plugged securely into the receptacle. If the plug is secure, you may be looking at a damaged electrical cable. This is an easy replacement that can be completed in a matter of minutes.